What homeopaths perceive

Observation and Determining a Remedy

The job of the homeopath is to try and understand where the flow of energy is impeded. Every nuance of the individual becomes a clue to the correct remedy: breathing patterns, eye contact, body posture, the sound and quality of the voice is significant. The interesting and unique way each person copes with stress or expresses creativity is also a piece of the puzzle.

Next the homeopath reconstructs the data: the information about the physical, emotional and mental symptoms; and matches this with what she knows about the remedies in our materia medica-which is our homeopathic medicine chest.

As part of the education of a homeopath each remedy is studied carefully. A remedy is like a crystal with many facets to its character. The remedy will be associated with physical symptoms and will target certain areas of the body such as the digestive system or the nervous system, and each will have an emotional and mental component. Many homeopathic writers describe the symptoms of a remedy as if it were a person, and a sketch or portrait begins to emerge. It is this whole portrait that the homeopath is attempting to uncover. When the correct homeopathic medicine is administered-the remedy that fits both the physical symptoms and the emotional and mental symptoms, there will be a response that will reverberate on all levels and the net result is a triggering of the immune response and the natural tendency for the body to return to a state of balance.