What is Homeopathy?

What is Classical Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of health concentrating on care of the whole person by methods that are specific, gentle and sympathetic to the body’s needs.

The word “homeopathy” is derived from two Greek words: homoios (like) and pathos (suffering). The basic principal of homeopathy is that “like cures like”, or that a substance that provokes specific symptoms when taken in large doses can stimulate a response that helps eliminate those symptoms when taken in minute, specially prepared forms.

There are Three Levels of Homeopathic Therapy

  1. First Aid
    Homeopathic remedies can be extremely effective in the treatment of common household occurrences such as falls and bruises, minor burns, bee stings and spider bites, skin reactions such as diaper rash and infant teething etc. Homeopathic remedies can reduce the trauma associated with automobile accidents and surgeries. First aid remedies, when correctly chosen, can act effectively, quickly and safely.
  2. Acute Homeopathy
    Homeopathy can be useful in treating acute health problems conditions in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own without treatment. Examples include colds, coughs, sports injuries, poison oak etc. Because homeopathic remedies are completely safe and without harmful side effects they are well suited in the treatment of conditions that arise in pregnancy and infancy.
  3. Constitutional Homeopathy
    Homeopathy is a deep and particularly effective in the treatment of long-term health problems. For example, in cases of recurrent ear infections in children, although the child may obtain antibiotic therapy for the acute ear infection, the problem may recur frequently, leading to a general state of impaired health. In such a case, homeopathy can be used to strengthen the system to prevent the future infections.